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Chairs at the sea
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change".  Carl Rogers

What is Counselling?

Counselling is based on a relationship between the client and the counsellor that is unique. The relationship exists for the client and is entirely centred around the client and their needs. This relationship is unconditional there and is no judgement. It is a safe place to talk about thoughts, feelings, problems and issues, both emotional and cognitive.
It is a trusting relationship and there are clear boundaries. The counsellor will never become socially engaged with you or be in your life outside of counselling. Expectations are different. A client, while sharing their emotional life with the counsellor, it is not reciprocated.  The relationship begins when counselling  starts and ends once it finishes. Long after the relationship has ended, the confidence shared is  kept confidential.


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